Raising a Confident Girl
N adiva is turning 3 this year. Basically my "Terrific 2" is coming to an end - hopefully - or does it ever end? Right now I have my work really cut out as a mother, a sister, a friend,a role model and etc to this amazing little mini me. Through the years (2 years) I have watched her grow and learn a couple of stuff. I learnt that what ever I do as a mother affects her either positively or negatively so I had to cut down a lot of things. I watch how I speak, how I dress, What I eat and most importantly how I treat people. It is not an easy task though. People think that a daughters trouble begins with maybe the Menses or the teenage years but I believe its not. Charity begins at home - Make hay while the sun shines- is a proverb I live by when it comes to parenting. Deep down I knew/know that I wanted to raise a girl who is self reliant, intelligent. A girl who thinks on her feet, a girl who can cope with every situation, a girl who is not afraid to speak her...