
Showing posts from September, 2018


Hi Fam, been a while since I posted. Been thinking of what to post and what not, how to put all these in words and yaay.. finally I am here. Well a couple of years ago, I went through something (Cant share it now, maybe some day) that changed my life, my perception in everything and anything. It brought me to my knees,I was depressed sad and what not. I hated my self .. blamed myself.... not fair right..? It was at that point in life that I did not care, I did not want anything to do with anyone.. anything... Anyway, as I was doing my normal internet addiction the other day , I bumped into one of Jay Shetty's life teachings and thought I should share - in words - Reason being, I have been in the same position as the "She" in his work. I am still battling with it but I thank God I have people I can actually talk to about it or rather about how I feel on the inside as it is never as it always seems. here it goes......        " She lived two lives, no one reall...