Hi Fam, been a while since I posted.

Been thinking of what to post and what not, how to put all these in words and yaay.. finally I am here.

Well a couple of years ago, I went through something (Cant share it now, maybe some day) that changed my life, my perception in everything and anything. It brought me to my knees,I was depressed sad and what not. I hated my self .. blamed myself.... not fair right..? It was at that point in life that I did not care, I did not want anything to do with anyone.. anything...

Anyway, as I was doing my normal internet addiction the other day , I bumped into one of Jay Shetty's life teachings and thought I should share - in words - Reason being, I have been in the same position as the "She" in his work. I am still battling with it but I thank God I have people I can actually talk to about it or rather about how I feel on the inside as it is never as it always seems. here it goes......
 " She lived two lives, no one really knew her inside out. She had everyone to text but no one to talk to. Everyone to follow but no one to walk with her. She had all the event invites that was a "lifestyle".
When her phone was up her world became a stage but when it was down the reality came.

She was going through pain but never showed to anyone that side of her. It was something she hid from the world but maybe.. just maybe no one ever asked her . She masked her sadness with what looked like the ideal life. Always flying high in the air but always low on the inside.

Her Inbox was so full but felt empty within. She was happy on the outside but struggling with depression and anxiety on the inside.She was struggling with her mental health but people were too preoccupied by her physical appearance.

See people think that depression is sadness. people think that depression is crying  or depression is to be quiet. Depression is when we smile but we want to cry. It is when we talk but we just want to be quiet. It is when we pretend to be happy but we are not. Depression is not always obvious.

She drunk to drown her pain but the pain learned how to swim. She was sick of crying, tired of trying and smiling yet inside she was dying.

It is amazing how we can think that we know someone and still don't know them at all. I do not think we understand how stressful it is to explain what is going on in your head when you do not even understand yourself.

We use filters to lighten our photos while we carry the heavy weight of stress."

I personally know how it feels when you feel like you are all alone and have so much to deal with and you do not know where to start from. you are surrounded by people yet you cannot even open up and say what it is that bugs you. Especially if you have a little someone who looks up to you for everything and you already feel like a disappointment to them.It is even worse when some people judge you the minute you open up. so you turn to social media for likes and awesome comments to boost your ego. because at the back of your head you feel like  "oh.. someone likes me".. or .. Oh someone thinks am amazing"

Someone once said that the Happiest people are the saddest.

On the other hand , what kind of friends /family/boyfriend/girlfriend etc are you? Are you the type that just calls when you need a favor.. a drink.. when you need to get laid??

It is very unfortunate that in this time and era, people chose to end the pain by ending their life.

Be a Friend not a Pest.


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